Diversity at Solebury

Diversity Mission Statement

韦德娱乐app下载地址学校提倡对每个人的深刻尊重,并认识到多样性如何丰富一个社区. This deeply engrained philosophy dates to our founding in 1925. 我们包容的学习者社区挑战假设并承认各种差异, including race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith preference, age, physical ability, and more. 我们重视并积极培养校园内教师、员工和学生的多元化组成.

A Commitment to Inclusivity

   Students gather for the MARD conference.


Field Trips
Each year, Solebury School sends students to outreach programs such as MARD and SCHout. 教职员工和学生也参加有色人种会议. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Group
Comprised of students and faculty and organized by teacher Jen Perez, 该组织每三周举行一次市政厅会议,以帮助发现固有的偏见,并提供一个支持和鼓励的环境来讨论从种族到一切, immigration, cultural exploration, and more.

DEI Days
Our next DEI day will be held on September 28, 2022.

Solebury also hosts the affinity clubs below...

Affinity Clubs

Biracial Buddies
An affinity group for students with mixed racial identities. 该组织的成立是为了给多种族学生提供一个空间, multicultural, multiethnic, or racially ambiguous to meet, discuss, and share experiences in their lives in and out of school.

Black Student Union (BSU)
An affinity group for students who identify as African Americans.
Advisors: Hadiyyah Graves and Keson Bullock-Brown

Intercultural Student Association
All international and domestic students are welcome to attend, 会议的重点是我们如何最好地分享韦德娱乐app下载地址学校所代表的不同国家背景. 这个组织还计划了一些对整个学校社区开放的特别活动.

LatinX是索伯里学校提供的众多亲密团体之一,由珍和丹·佩雷斯经营. LatinX是一个安全的空间,任何认同或支持这个社区的人都可以来到这里,聚在一起. In addition, as a club, 我们计划和组织筹款活动和文化活动,如大衣募捐或亡灵节饼干装饰,以引起人们对我们关心的问题的关注,并向索莱伯里社区宣传我们的文化. 能够和理解你的生活经历的人在一起,在某些情况下也经历过这些经历,这只是LatinX和所有亲和团体成为我们社区重要组成部分的众多原因之一.   
Advisor: Maya Danner

Spectrum Club
Open to people of all sexual orientations, 该俱乐部的成立是为了讨论并确保校园所有人的安全和支持. We network with similar organizations at other schools, and we serve as activists for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender causes.
Advisor: Stacie Anastasio

Blog & News

Diversity and Culture Share
Jeannette Eckhardt

多样性和文化分享是冬季学期的一门新的表演艺术课程,旨在庆祝我们社区中每个人所代表的文化多样性. In this class, 学生们将通过音乐探索和交流他们的个人故事和祖先的故事, dance, poetry, song, and storytelling. 表演方面将从彼此分享的常规实践中培养,并将在学期结束时举行音乐和舞蹈音乐会. 

The Healing Path Forward
Tom Wilschutz

Human history is mostly evolutionary in its nature, punctuated by moments of life-altering revolutions. 动乱和动荡是激进变革的引擎,无论是积极的还是消极的,对人类和他们创造的社会都是如此. Solebury students are now witnesses to such upheaval and unrest. A global pandemic has altered everything about how we work, learn, travel, vacation, eat, gather, recreate, interact, and on and on. Layered over this global threat, 几个世纪以来的系统性种族主义,在我们国家诞生之初就根植于我们的国家结构之中,现在正以美国人从未见过的方式受到挑战.

For My Fellow Educators as We Move Forward Together
Gregory Lipscomb

In this moment, 我认为我们教育工作者有很大的机会去影响我们学生的生活, ourselves, 通过创造性地、深思熟虑地重新思考我们的教学方式和内容. 考虑一下:我们的课程如何才能充分体现人类经验和观点的多样性? In this moment, how can we make the Black voice more central?  仅仅包括黑人的声音是不够的,我知道你们很多人都这样做……


If you'd like more information about any of the above, please email Maya Danner